SDDC Manager Third_Party Upgrade fails at Setup Common Appliance Platform (CAP)
I was upgrading my home lab from VCF 5.0.0 to 5.1.0, when I encountered the following error.
Upon expanding the error for more details, it only displayed “Upgrade_Third Party”
To investigate further, I accessed the SDDC Manager via SSH examined logs under this location “/var/log/vmware/vcf/lcm/thirdparty/upgrades/<upgrade_id>/vcf-platform/upgrade:”
There I found a log entry “CAP services are not enabled in SDDC Manager”
If you need to access upgrade logs, navigate to the /var/log/vmware/vcf/lcm directory. The two key log files are:
- lcm-debug log file contains debug level logging information.
- lcm.log contains information level logging.
I realised that when VCF upgrade fails at CAP Upgrade stage, it does not automatically resume on retry due left over CAP upgrade files from previous failure. I found VMware KB article KB89977, which outlines the required steps tp resolve this issue.
So before retrying to upgrade, a CAP cleanup workflow must be run. Here’s how to do it:
- Remove vcf-cap-worklfows.json file
rm /var/log/vmware/capengine/vcf-cap-workflows.json
- Register a user fot the CAP cleanup
echo -n <password> | /usr/lib/vmware-capengine/scripts/ add -u apiuser
authHeader="Basic $(echo -n "apiuser:<password>" | base64)"
echo $authHeader
- Start the CAP cleanup workflow:
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header "Authorization: $authHeader" \
--data-raw '{
"workflowName": "cap-update-cleanup",
"operation": "start"
}' | jq
After that I retried the upgrade, and this time, the SDDC manger successfully upgraded.