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Run ESXCLi and ESXi Shell Commands through Powershell

Today, as part of setting up my new VCF lab, I needed to renew all the ESXi certificates in my home lab. Typically, you can regenerate the self-signed certificates on each ESXi host using SSH with the following commands: However, I didn’t want to manually connect to each host via SSH and run the commands. Instead, I looked for a […]

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ESXi indicate iSCSI device as “Not consumed”

Hi Everyone! Recently, I created a new LUN in Huwawi Storage and then went to the VMware vCenter to create the corresponding datastore. I created this datastore on one of the ESXi hosts and went to the other hosts and scanned the adapter. The Environment includes 3 ESXi hosts. Although the datastore was created successfully, when I looked at the […]

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Storage vMotion fails with Error 195887107

I was moving a virtual machine from one data store to another that I faced with the following error In the VMware documentation, it occurs on the virtual machines that have disks with the multi-writer attribute. While in my environment the virtual machine was not like this, after a bit of Google searching, I found a hint in one of the forums […]

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Disable Time Synchronization for Windows Virtual Machine without Disabling VMware tools

In this article, I want to provide best practices for achieving accurate timekeeping with a domain controller or NTP server in Windows guest operating systems. This recommendation is based on my experience and VMware docs.In a typical domain environment, time is taken from the time server which is a domain controller (PDC Emulator), and while the time synchronization checkbox is […]

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SQL Server On VMware – Best Practices

One of the problems in organizations that implement SQL Server on a virtual machine is the lack of recognition of the virtualization which leads to the non-optimal implementation of this service on the virtual structure and then causes them to face improper performance. In this post, I want to talk briefly about how to design and implement SQL Server in […]

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Get ESXi Hardware Information with Command

While resting at home, a friend contacted me and said he was looking for hardware information from his servers because he was going to increase the amount of RAM and upgrade the server’s memory to higher size and asked me to help him in order to find the memory information such as empty slot and part number. Their servers are […]

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Replacing vCenter Server Certificates Rollback at 85%

Today I was replacing VMCA certificates by an ADCS (Active Directory Certificate Service) signed certificate, which everything went well except when I imported my certificate, the procedure stuck at 85 percent and rollbacked. and show you an error with this title. Status : 85% Completed [starting services…]Error while replacing Machine SSL Cert, please see /var/log/vmware/vmcad/certificate-manager.log for more information. When you […]

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